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Кафедра Органічної хімії та технології органічних речовин |
The Department of Organic Chemistry and Technology of Organic Substances is one of the oldest divisions of the Kyiv Polytechnic Institute. The department was founded in 1898 . Among its organizers were famous scientists - Prof. Konovalov M.I., prof. Shaposhnikov V.G., prof. Reformatskyi S.M., prof. Prilezhaev M.O. and other. The Department of Organic Chemistry and Technology of Organic Substances is headed by its graduate Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor Andrii Arturovych Fokin.
The department trains bachelors and masters in chemical technology and engineering, as well as technologists in chemical technology of organic substances.
Graduates of the department receive high-quality training in the disciplines of general education, humanitarian-economic and natural-scientific cycles, as well as specialized professional cycles, which corresponds to the modern international level. In particular, students acquire special professional knowledge in the following disciplines: general chemical technology, processes and apparatus of chemical production, technology of basic organic and petrochemical synthesis, equipment and basics of designing organic synthesis plants, theoretical basis of organic synthesis - mechanisms, kinetics and thermodynamics of organic reactions, physical methods of separation and identification of organic compounds.
A high level of training of specialists is ensured by the availability of the necessary educational material and technical base. In progress
studying chemical, engineering and special disciplines, students perform a large volume of laboratory work, therefore graduates of the department acquire stable skills in conducting chemical experiments. The vast majority of students participate in research work under the guidance of highly qualified employees of the department and leading scientists of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
The department has close ties with many industrial and research enterprises of the industry, where students undergo technological and pre-diploma practice. The department maintains close creative ties with the Institute of Organic Chemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry and Petrochemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, the Physical and Chemical Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, the Institute of Natural Resources of the University of Minnesota (USA), the University of Georgia (USA), the University of Giessen (Germany), by the University of Le Mans (France) and performs joint scientific and research work.
Basic chemical training allows graduates of the department to successfully continue their studies in postgraduate studies at the department and in scientific institutions of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and far abroad (USA, Germany, England, Canada), as well as work as teachers in higher educational institutions. Multifaceted chemical and chemical-technological training allows graduates to easily adapt to related industries and enterprises, for example, oil refineries, plants for the production of lubricants and fuel additives, etc.